About Us

The Multicultural Spanish Speaking Providers Association (MSSPA) or “la assoccion hispana” as commonly known is a professional membership association made up of early childhood teachers, directors, and owners of early learning child development centers or home-based programs in the District of Columbia. 

MSSPA incorporated as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) in 2013, is led by MSSPA’s Board of Directors and is made up of volunteers working in DC’s Early Learning Sector.  Board members represent different perspectives as teachers, directors, and business owners. 

We are mostly immigrants, first or second-generation, from culturally diverse Central and South American countries and nations. The formation of MSSPA was an important first step in creating a collective voice, sustained advocacy, knowledge sharing, and developing connectivity and access to resources related to early childhood education.

Our Mission

To identify and address the systemic barriers that impact the providers of early childhood education of  Latin American and Caribbean origin working in the District of Columbia. 

Our Vision

To be an organization of Latina Women that inspires, organizes, represents, and influences so that early education providers and educators are included in all social and government spaces, have access to work and dignified life, and access to formal education.

Our Goals

Labor Justice
Strengthen the knowledge and skills of early education workers through research, training, dialogue processes, and advocacy.

Language Justice
Support and guide non-native English-speaking early education providers so that they have a clear understanding of regulatory compliance requirements. accessing available resources, and effective communication with the people they offer or receive services.

Education Justice
Identify and reduce barriers for providers to obtain higher education and professional development opportunities with the goal of improving the quality of the services they provide to the youngest learners.